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10 Reasons Why People Should Serve in Children's Ministry

I believe that children's ministry is the most important ministry of the church.  I really do.  

I also believe that when it comes to serving...children's ministry should be a top priority. 

Here are 10 reasons why people should serve in children's ministry.

1. Children's ministry is important to Jesus. 

Remember when the disciples tried to chase away the children whose parents brought them to be blessed by Jesus. While others may have seen the children as a bother, Jesus saw them as a blessing and took out time to minister to them. If you want to be like Jesus, then serve in children's ministry.

 2. Children's ministry represents the future of the church.

We must prepare them to be the leaders who will guide the church of the future.  We must equip them to lead with wisdom, passion, vision, and anointing.  This must begin now. We must instill in them a Christian worldview lest they be pulled away from the truth.

3. Children's ministry is where the vast majority of people come to Christ. 

The stats vary...but most commonly it is true that the vast majority (up to 85%) of people come to Christ when they are children and teens.  The older a person gets, the harder their heart comes to the things of God.  We must reach people when their hearts are open and receptive to the things of God.  We must beat the timeline.

4. Children's ministry is the greatest mission field in the world.

There are over 2.4 billion children in the world.  The majority of them don't know Jesus.  They are the greatest mission field and we are called to reach them.  

5. Entire families can be reached through children's ministry

If you want to reach a family, then reach children.  Think with me about how many families in the Bible came to Jesus because of the children. Parents brought their children to be healed, blessed, and ministered to by Jesus.  That was their first contact with Him. 

It is the same today.  When you minister to children, their parents will be drawn to Jesus as well. 

6. God blesses people who serve in children's ministry.

God has promised to bless the people who bless children.  Look what it says in Matthew 10:42.

And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.” 

Those who minister to children have the attention of God. He keeps great records and great will be the reward for those who minister to children.

7. Children have their whole life to serve Jesus

D.L. Moody, the famous evangelist, was once asked how his services had gone.  He responded by saying, "We saw 2 and 1/2 people come to Jesus."

The person asked, "You mean you had 2 adults and one child come to Jesus?"

D.L. Moody responded by saying, "No. We saw 2 children and 1 adult come to Christ.  The 2 children have the rest of their life to serve Jesus while the adult only has 1/2 a life left to live for Jesus."

So true. 

8. Serving in children's ministry is an opportunity to make a huge impact for God's kingdom.

Get involved in children's ministry and you will see many kids come to Jesus.  You will see fruit immediately and down the road. You will bear fruit now and later.  You will see kids grow up and continue to serve Jesus for the rest of their life.

9. Jesus loves the little children...all the children of the world.

As I was writing this, the famous old song "Jesus loves the little children...all the children of the Lord" came into my thoughts.

"Jesus loves the little children. All the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight.  Jesus loves the little children of the Lord." 

Jesus does love the little children of the world.  He came to the earth for them.  He died and rose again for them.  If you want to love like Jesus, then you will love children's ministry.

10. Serving in children's ministry gives you the opportunity to leave a legacy that will outlive you.

We all want to know that our time here on earth made a difference. We want to know that our life mattered. We want to know that our message will continue after we are gone. 


A legacy is not about the material things you leave behind. Rather, it's about the spiritual things you help instill in others.  Long after you are gone, the kids will be adults who are carrying on the message you shared with them. 

That's why you should serve in children's ministry.

1 Comment

Oct 03

It is a big priviledge to help and serve and grow with God's children the Holy spirit guide us along the way. We have a day at a time, make a difference with willing loving heart.

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