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10 Reasons Why You Should Stop a Program

Do you have a program that you've been thinking about stopping?  

Should you stop it or continue it? 

That can be a challenging decision to make.  

Before you make the decision, take some time to think it through.

Here are 10 reasons why you should stop a program. This should be a help as you ponder stopping or continuing.

Lack of volunteers.

You obviously need volunteers to run a ministry program.  Is the program in question suffering from a lack of volunteers? If the program is causing volunteers to be spread thin across multiple programs, then it might be time to refocus your volunteers into less programs.

Lack of attendance.  

People vote with their feet. If attendance is in significant decline, it might be time to stop doing it. 

Doing a program just because you've always done it that way.

It can be hard to break away from the past. But you must if the past is hindering the future.  It's easy to get stuck in a rut and continuing to run a program just because you always have.  

Honor the past, but keep your eyes on the future.  If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll always get the same results.  


Is future growth and success being held back because you're more concerned about the past than you are the future?  

You are continuing to do the program just to keep a small group of people happy.

It is not always easy to stop a program.  Normally there will be a small group of people who are more invested in the specific program than they are in the overall vision of the ministry. 

But sometimes you have to make the tough decision to stop a program even though some people are going to get upset. 

Don't let the guardians of the past stop you from moving the ministry forward.

Lack of budget funding.

Are you spending money on a program that needs to be redirected into another ministry that has more potential?

Being a good steward means using the money God has entrusted you with wisely.  The wise decision may be redirecting the funding to a ministry that has more potential.

Lack of fruit.

I call this the blank piece of paper test.  Whatever the program or event is...a year later can you write down the names of families that have been reached and discipled because of it?  If you can't....then why are you continuing to try and perpetuate the program or event?

You often hear someone say, "Yeah...it wasn't what we expected...but if just one child comes to Jesus then it was worth it.  Yes...I believe that...but don't try to justify continuing a program that is not bearing fruit with that mindset.

Conflicts with other programs. 

Do you have multiple programs that are causing families to have to make choices?  Are you doing programs that are conflicting with other programs in the church?  Consider working with the other ministries in your church and streamlining your programs to fit the big picture.  Families will appreciate it.

The program is not helping disciple children. 

Does the program have discipleship components in it?  

Does it have steps kids can take to grow in their faith? 

If it's not helping kids come to Christ and grow in their faith, then why are you doing it?

The program is not helping fulfill the overall vision of the church.

What is the overall vision of your church?  

If a program is not helping fuel the overall vision, then consider stopping it. Alignment is so important.  

Kids are saying it is boring.

If children say a program is boring...guess what...it probably is.  Consider asking kids on a regular basis if they like your current programs.  They are your target audience and their feedback is important. 

So there you have it.  Many of you who are reading this are currently trying to decide about a program. Should you stop it? Should you keep doing it? Should you revamp it?  

Think through these 10 points as you make your decision.

One last thought...remember this...sometimes less is more. It might be more effective for you to do a few programs with excellence than doing a larger number of programs with mediocrity. 



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