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10 Things I Learned From Kids Last Week

Last week, I learned a lot about our children's ministry.  Where did I get this valuable information?  By talking directly to the kids in our ministry. 

At least twice a year, I host a kids' focus group.  I invite 8-10 kids who are part of our ministry to give us feedback, ideas, insight, etc.

Here are 10 of the things they shared with us.

1. They like the worship time...but we have lots of room for improvement. 

2. Most of them have made friends but some don't have any friends at church.

3. Our lessons are decent.  Halfway between good and boring. There are many things we can do to improve this.

4. They want to have the same small group leader every week.

5. They usually attend church two to three times a month.

6. Several are on sports teams that takes them out of church several times a month.

7. They are looking for ways to serve and would do so if we created serving opportunities for them. 

8. They occasionally read their Bible and talk to Jesus during the week, but not on a consistent basis.

9. They could remember a little bit about the lessons, but not a lot.  After two weeks, they forget everything we have taught them.

10. Their favorite person at church is their small group leader.

If you would like a complete copy of what I asked the kids during the focus group, feel free to email me (dale@buildingchildrensministry) and I will send it to you.  Focus groups are a great way to measure the pulse of your ministry.



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