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Fun Means More Than Fun

Do you know what the most asked question by parents is when it comes to children's ministry?

Drum roll please...Here it is...


Stand by the exit door at the end of a kid's service or program and listen. You will hear that question being asked time and time again.

Is the average parent so shallow that their biggest expectation is for their kids to have a fun time at church?

I don't think so. Look a little deeper and what they are really saying is...

Did you connect with anyone today?

Did you make any new friends?

Was your small group leader / teacher there?

Did you understand the lesson they taught?

What did you learn today from the lesson?

Was the service age-appropriate?

Were you prayed for?

Do you enjoy coming?

Our prayer is the answer to the question will be "Yes, it was fun!"

One of the most outspoken agnostics/atheists in the country is Bill Maher. You might have seen his show on HB0. It's called "Real Time with Bill Maher."

Bill also produced a movie called "Religulous." In the movie, he mocks Christianity and ridicules the Christians he interviews He did make a very interesting statement during the movie. He said that he went to church as a child. But he hated going. He said it wasn't relevant to his life. Superman was relevant to his life. Baseball was relevant to his life.

He mentioned that he didn't drop out for any ideological reason. He quit going because he said it was boring. Did you catch that? He stopped going because it was boring.

He stopped going because the lessons didn't apply to his life.

He stopped going because the lessons didn't capture his attention.

He stopped going because he had to sit still and be lectured to.

I often wonder if Bill's life might have gone a different direction if he could have answered "Yes, I had fun today" instead of saying with a frown that "No. It was boring?"

This weekend there will be some little Bills (and Betsys) sitting in your class or small group. You are a major factor in their experience. Make it an experience that they enjoy and want to come back to.


Here are some articles that can help you make church a fun experience for kids.

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