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25 Largest Children's Ministries in the United States 2024

I believe when a children's ministry has God's hand of blessing upon it, you will see it grow. 


Attendance is not the only factor of God's blessings, but it is an important one to measure.

The bottom line is this - God wants to see your ministry grow.  He wants you to reach more people.  He wants you to disciple more people.  

He says this in Luke 14:23.

"And the Lord said to the servant, 'Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel the people to come in, so that my house may be filled'."


As long as there are people around us who need Jesus, we must continue reaching out, continue sharing the Gospel, and continue growing. 

I want this post to be an encouragement to you.  Some of you reading this are in smaller communities where there are not thousands of people in your vicinity.  Percentage wise you are a large church.  The main thing is that all of us, no matter what community God has placed us in, have people we need to reach for Jesus. 


There is much we can learn from these churches.  I would encourage you to look at their websites.  Give them a call and ask what they are doing to grow.  Better yet...connect with them and make a visit to their church one weekend. 


Here is the list of the 25 largest children's ministries in the United States for 2024. 


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