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4 Big Things We Must Tell the Next Generation

Never has there been a more crucial time to tell the next generation about God.

Studies show that 13% of Gen Z (ages 11 to 26) claim to be atheists. This is double the number of adults who say they are atheists. If we are going to see the next generation follow God, we are going to need His wisdom and guidance.

Psalm 78 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. It gives us helpful instructions about what we should teach the generations to come. What should we be telling our children about God? What should we be telling our grandchildren about God?

Psalm 78:4 tells us what to focus on when guiding the next generation. The law of God was given with a command to teach it diligently to generations to come.

He gives us four big topics to teach them. They are found in verse 4.

"We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about his power and his mighty wonders."

#1 - Tell the generations to come about the truth of God's Word. The foundation for our beliefs is grounded in the Word of God.

We must tell the generations to come that the Word of God can be trusted.

We must tell the generations to come that the Bible is reliable. We must tell the generations to come that the Word of God is a text message sent from God's heart to ours.

We must tell the generations to come that the Word of God is inspired by God. We must show the generations to come what it means to fall in love with God's Word and make it a part of your everyday life. #2 - Tell the generations to come about the glorious deeds God has done.

This refers to the reasons why God should be praised and followed.

He created us. He loves us even though we have sinned and broken His laws. He sent His one and only Son to pay the debt that we owe for our sins.

Share with the next generation the glorious deeds God has done specifically for you.

Share about how you came to Christ. It's important to share your testimony with your children and grandchildren. Tell them about how He has brought hope to you when there seemed to be no hope.

Tell them about when He has provided for you.

Tell them about the times He gave you peace when the storms were raging.

Tell them about the prayers He has answered.

When we tell the generation to come about the glorious deeds we have seen and read about, they can understand why He is worthy of our surrender to His will and way.

#3 - Tell the generations to come about God's power.

He parted the Red Sea with His power.

He brought water from a rock with His power.

He created the world with His power.

He changes people's lives with His power.

He brings healing with His power.

He brought down the walls of Jericho with His power.

He defeated the evil one with His redemptive plan.

He guided David's rock to destroy Goliath.

Share the stories of how you have seen God manifest His power in your life.

#4 - Tell the generations to come about His mighty wonders.

His wonders are proof that He is real.

His wonders are proof that Jesus was His son.

His wonders declare His grace.

His wonders are found in His redeeming love.

His wonders will be found for eternity in a place called Heaven.

Share how God has personally shown His mighty wonders in your life.

If we are going to see the next generation follow God, then we must tell them about God's Word, His glorious deeds, His Power and His mighty wonders.

We must also pass along our own stories of how we have seen God work in our lives. How His Word has changed your life. How He has displayed His glorious deeds, how He has shown you His power and how He has done mighty wonders in your life.

Our prayer should then be, as we share what a great God we serve, that the coming generations will follow Him and love Him as well.


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