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All About Gen Alpha

The youngest generation is called Gen Alpha. These are kids who were or will be born between 2010-2024.

It is important to understand Gen Alpha if we are going to reach them with the Gospel.

Here are some unique findings about Gen Alpha. These are from McCrindle research.

They are being shaped by Millennial parents.

Gen Alpha has been labeled Generation Glass, the Alphas, Upagers, Global Gen and Multi-Modals.

Their characteristics are global, digital, social, mobile and visual.

By 2030 the workforce will be Gen X at 23%, Gen Y at 32%, Gen Z at 34%. and Gen Alpha at 11%.

There are 2,740,000 Gen Alpha babies born globally each week. The top countries of birth are India, China and Nigeria.

Top baby names for Gen Alpha boys are Oliver, Noah and William. Top baby names for Gen Alpha girls are Charlotte, Ameila and Olivia.

Incoming technology for Gen Alpha:

2010 - Ipads

2011 - Instagram

2012 - Siri

2013 - 3D Printers

2014 - Google glass

2015 - Apple Watch

2016 - Telsa Powerwall

2017 - Fortnite

2018 - Smart Speakers

2019 - Airpods

2020 - 5G

2021 - Biometrics

2022 - Autonomous vehicles

2023 - Quantum computing

2024 - Aerial Ridesharing

Outgoing Technology Timeline for Gen Alpha:

2010 - Myspace

2011 - Street directory

2012 - Pagers

2013 - MP3 player

2014 - Blackberry

2015 - Fax machine

2016 - Landline phone

2017 - CD/DVD

2018 - GPS unit

2019 - Car key ignition

2020 - Textbooks

2021 - Desktop computers

2022 - Credit cards

2023 - Wallet

2024 - Analogue Watch

New Jobs:

2010 - Cybersecurity specialists

2011 - UX manager

2012 - Drone pilot

2013 - Blackchain Developer

2014 - Data Designer

2015 - Virtual Reality Engineer

2016 - Robotic Mechanics 2017 - Sleep Technician

2018 - Sustainability Officer

2019 - Driveless Train Officer

2020 - Wellbeing Manager

2021- AI Specialists

2022 - Life Simplifier

2023 - Urban Farmer

2024 - Space Tourism Agent

Iconic toys:

Builder Generation - Roller skates

Boomers - Frisbee

Gen X - Rubick's cube

Gen Y - BMX bike

Gen Z - folding scooter

Gen Alpha - Fidget spinner

Music devices:

Builder Generation - record player

Boomers - audio cassette

Gen X - walkman

Gen Y - iPod

Gen Z - Spotify

Gen Alpha - smart speakers

Leadership styles:

Builder Generation - controlling

Boomers - directing

Gen X - coordinating

Gen Y - guiding

Gen Z - empowering

Gen Alpha - inspiring

Screen Content:

Builder Generation - Cinema

Boomers - TV

Gen X - VCR

Gen Y - Internet

Gen Z - devices

Gen Alpha - streaming

While we are just getting used to and acclimating to ministering to Gen Alpha, we must also begin preparing to minister to the generation coming behind Gen Alpha.

What are they called? Generation Beta and they will be born between 2025 - 2039.

We are commanded in Psalm 78 to spread the good news to all generations. Let's keep proclaiming the Gospel to every generation that God brings our way.


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