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Attending a Children's Ministry Conference? Don't Forget to Do This.

Is it a struggle to be able to attend a children's ministry conference?

Do you basically have to beg for the opportunity?

Does your church leadership not see the value that will come from you attending a conference?

Here's a simple step you can take that will open the door for you to attend conferences.

Take copious notes while you are at the conference and then type out a report that highlights the key findings you took away.

When you get back home, give your pastor or the person you report to, a copy of the notes. If you want to take it to another level, set up a meeting with your leadership to present the key things you learned while at the conference.

This one little step will be a huge factor when your leadership is deciding if you can attend a conference or not.

This will convey to your leadership the value of sending you to a conference and the impact it can have on the entire church.

Do this and you will hear the word "yes" more often when it comes to attending a conference.


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