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How to Get Kids to Read the Bible
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How to Get Kids to Read the Bible

We know that reading the Bible is a crucial part of kids' spiritual growth. 

The Bible says this in 1 Peter 2:2.

"Like newborn babies, you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation. Cry out for this nourishment." 

If we are going to see children grow up and follow Jesus for a lifetime, then we must instill in them a love for God's Word and a desire to read it daily.

How can we encourage kids to read their Bible?


First, let's establish this...kids love to read certain types of books.  Find a format they enjoy.

The format that kids are engaging with the most are graphic novels. Graphic novels are basically written in a cartoon, story format. In other words, they are illustrated with pictures.

Since 2019, sales of graphic novels in the U.S. have doubled to 35 million books a year. Much of the growth is graphic novels for children. Today, graphic novels are often the first books that elementary school students will seek out for themselves and read on their own.

Books like Smile, Roller Girl, and The New Girl - are part of a new genre of graphic novels specifically targeted at eight-to-twelve-year-olds. The books’ illustrations are colorful and fun, but the stories tackle serious issues like mending broken relationships, confronting social anxiety, and dealing with siblings and parents. 

Those seeking to get kids excited about reading the Bible should take note of this. The Bible in a story format or visually illustrated format will grab kids' attention and engage them. The more pictures and illustrations a Bible uses, the more engaging it will be for kids.  Here are a few examples of Bibles that use this format to get kids engaged with the Word of God.

Parents reading the Bible.  

When kids see their parents reading the Bible, it influences them to read their Bible as well.  Most kids who grow up to follow Jesus will have memories of seeing their parents reading the Bible.

It can be hard to find the time to read the Bible on a daily basis when there is so much vying for parents' time and attention. It is crucial that parents, in spite of this, make Bible reading a top priority.  What you read will show kids what your priorities are. If children see their parents making Bible reading a priority, they will do the same.

Parents reading the Bible with their children.  


Parents should read the Bible with their children on a daily basis. They should purposely schedule a time for this. Bedtime is one of the best times.

They should also talk about what they read, how they can apply it to their life, and have a Q & A.

Think about ways you can encourage the parents in your ministry to do this.

Active reading.

Kids love to move.  Think of ways you can get kids moving during your reading.  Perhaps it is having the child clap each time they hear a word or name in the passage you are reading together.

Use Bible games.

You can find lots of free Bible games online based on what passage you are reading.  Do a Google search for this.

Have kids act out what they are reading.

An example would be acting out the story of David and Goliath while reading 1 Samuel 17.

Provide them with their own Bible

It is important for a child to have his or her own Bible. A child should be taught that the Word of God is a precious treasure and should be cared for.

Help children establish a Bible reading plan

Provide them with a plan that they can follow for their age level.  Consistency is a big part of any effective Bible reading plan. Get them in the Word on a daily basis.

For older kids, the plan can also include using a journal to write down what they learned that day from the reading, how it made them feel, questions they may have, and any action steps they are going to take.

Help kids understand that the Bible is like a text message from God. 

God wanted to show them how much He loves them and cares for them, so He has sent them a personal text message called the Bible. 

The Bible in digital format.

Don't forget that today's kids are growing up in a digital world. This means reading the Bible on a phone or tablet or laptop is also a good option.  The Bible is the Word of God no matter what format it is in. The Bible on a tablet is just as much the Word of God as a regular book format. 

Your turn. How do you get kids to read the Bible?  What Bibles do you recommend to parents?  Share your thoughts and insights in the comment section below.

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