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See You Real Soon

If you have been to Disney World in Florida, you've probably seen the exit sign as you drive out of the park.

It says "See You Real Soon."

Most people leave Disney already thinking about when they can return.

Disney also uses reminiscing music, cast members saying goodbye, lighting, signage and other subtle ways to make people want to return soon.

They say "goodbye" very well.

Often in the church world, we create great strategies for welcoming people and making them feel at home. And we should. How we welcome guests is crucial if we want to see them return.

But there is an additional strategy that many churches miss. That strategy is how you say goodbye when people are leaving.

Remember - how you say goodbye is the last thing people will remember from their experience at your church.

What if...

you asked your greeters to slip out of church a minute early and go back to their assigned spot when people are leaving.

you had signs in your exit areas that say "See You Real Soon" or "We love you. Come back soon."

you gave out small prizes to kids as they were walking out the exit door with their parents.

you had smiling people who shook your guests' hand and thanked them for coming as they were leaving.

you left a small gift on guests' cars. Here is a great idea for this at this link.

you played music that would put people in a contemplative mood as they were leaving.

you had freshly baked brownies or cookies for people as they were leaving.

you used an umbrella to walk people to their car when it is raining and they forgot to bring one.

Do you have an exit strategy?

Would love to hear your goodbye ideas and strategies. Share them in the comment section below.


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