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The Kindness Factor

I was watching a movie the other day and the lead character said this.

"Yes. I remember him. He was always kind to me when I was a child."

It reminded me of this verse.

"Be kind one to another..." Ephesians 4:32

Kids will not remember everything they were taught. They won't remember all of the Bible verses people helped them learn. They won't remember all of the prayers that were prayed over them.

But they will remember the people who were kind to them.

Think about your own experience as a child. There are people that you remember to this day for one reason. They were kind to you. If you want to impact kids' lives, then show them kindness. Kindness can break down the walls kids put up and open their hearts to really hear you.

Here are some ways you can show kindness to the children God has called you to reach and disciple. I've put it in an acrostic so it will be easier to remember.

K - get to KNOW them. Every child is looking for someone who will really get to know them. Know what their favorite candy is. Know when it is their birthday. Know what their favorite video game is. Know how their school year is going. Know what their favorite Bible story is.

When kids see that you want to know about them, they will remember you.

I - INCLUDE them. Kids have a fear of being left out or looked over. Remember standing in line when you were a kid? Waiting to see if anyone would pick you to be on their team? Be kind to those kids who are out on the edge. Include every child. When you do this...they will remember your kindness.

N - Met their NEEDS. Affirmation. Confirmation. Cared about. Believed in.

D -DIALOGUE with them. Take time to engage them in conversation. Instead of looking at text messages before class starts, use the time to talk with kids. Find out how their week went. Find out how school went for them.

N - NEVER give up on them. Kindness causes you to never give up on the children you minister to. Even when they are acting up and being difficult...look into the future and see what they can be one day.

The little girl that won't stop talking. Never give up on her. One day, she will talk to people about Jesus. The boy that keeps climbing on the furniture. Never give up on him. One day he will be a missionary climbing a mountain to share the Gospel with an unreached people group.

E - Make EYE contact. Don't look past the child. Don't look down on the child. Look the child in the eyes and show them you really care about what they are saying to you.

S - SMILE at them. One of the best children's ministry leaders I know takes the time to get down on her knees and welcome every preschooler into her classroom. She smiles at them and says "I am so glad you are here. I've been waiting all week to see you."

S - SAY a prayer for them. Pray for children. Pray with children. Listen to their prayer requests and pray for them. At times, that may mean praying for goldfish, dogs and other pets. But they will remember the prayers you whispered with them.

The kindness factor. Ask God to fill your heart with kindness and live it out as you minister to children. I promise you God will use it to change kids' lives and they will never forget your kindness toward them.


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