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Two Dads

There is an avalanche of LGBTQ propaganda coming at the next generation.

Seems these days there is a big increase in the number of LGBTQ theme and representation in many commercials, TV shows, social media, movies and all other things media.

The concerning thing is this - they are targeting children at younger and younger ages.

Here's an example. A new children's show called Ridley Jones features a nonbinary dinosaur and a character with two dads. The producer has already dropped two episodes on YouTube that have racked up 17 million views.

What can we do as children's minister leaders? How can we speak the truth in love and help the next generation see that this is not a lifestyle that Jesus condones? How can we help them see that 2 dads is contrary to what the Bible proclaims. You've heard the expression - God created Adam and Eve...not Adam and Steve. And when Jesus spoke about marriage, He always clarified it as being between a man and woman.

Partner with parents. We obviously can't talk with preschool and elementary children about this issue directly. That's not our job. But our job, as children's ministry leaders, is to equip parents to have these critical conversations with their child. Parents are the biggest influence in a child's life and they should be the one to initiate these type conversations. Partner with them and set them up for success by providing resources and training that will help them engage their children with confidence.

Pass them to student ministry with a solid faith foundation built on the authority of Scripture. When it comes to how we live, the Bible is the sole source of truth in matters such as these. You've heard the expression - God created Adam and Eve...not Adam and Steve. And when Jesus spoke about marriage, He always clarified it as being between a man and woman.

And you can't truthfully tweak, change or interpret it to bless a LGBTQ lifestyle. The Bible is very clear in these matters. One man. One woman. Married in a union that is blessed by God.

Pray for them. The biggest thing we can do is pray. Pray that those trapped in a LGBTQ lifestyle will have their eyes opened to the truth and ask Christ to be their forgiver, leader and friend. Pray for our children as they grow up in a post Christian culture.

I often think of this piercing quote by George Barna.

In the race to a child's heart the first one there wins.

We are in a race to capture the heart of the next generation. We must determine that we will get there first and help kids know and live the truth of God in every area of their life.

If this post offends you...I will offer no apologizes when it comes to the truth of God's Word. I didn't "wrote" it...I just "quote" it. If God's Word is the final authority, then we cannot back down or apologize for standing for the truth.

So much is at stake.


Partner with Parents.

Pass them to student ministry with a solid faith foundation.

Pray for them to see and follow the truth of God's Word.



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