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What If We???

It's the little things done with excellence that add up to make a big impact.  I was reminded of this yesterday when I went to the dentist office. Yes, of all places, at a dentist office.  I've been to many dentists over the years, but had never seen one with what I'm going to show you.  Ready?  Check out the picture I took from the dentist chair.

Yes. That's the ceiling you're looking at.  And yes, there is a TV mounted on the ceiling, so you can watch TV while you are laying on the dentist chair and looking up.  It definitely made the time go quicker during the appointment.  

It caught my attention and reminded me again that it's the small details that add up to a big impact. 

Exceptional ministries pay close attention to the details.  Everything they do is done with intentionality.

Do you want to improve your ministry by adding in some small things that will take you there?  Want to be a ministry that goes the second mile? 

Here are some steps you can take to find and implement some small details that will take your ministry to the next level. 

Ask "WHAT IF WE???"

Take every part of your ministry and ask this question - what if we???

Go into every one of your ministry rooms and ask - what if we???

Look at your curriculum and ask - what if we???

Go into your nursery and ask - what if we???

Think through your guest services process and ask - what if we???

Go outside the building and look at your entrances and ask - what if we???

Meet with your praise team and ask - what if we???

Take a look at your events (VBS, Fall Festival, Christmas, etc.) and ask - "what if we???"

Look at your current way-finding signage and ask - what if we???

There is a place called Disney World - it exists because someone asked the question - what if we???

A man walked on the moon because someone asked - what if we??? 

There is show called Sesame Street because someone asked - what if we???

Mr. Rogers entertained and inspired kids because someone asked - what if we???

There are multi-site churches because someone asked - what if we???

There is a movie entitled "Elf" because someone asked - what if we???

There is ice cream because someone asked - what if we???


There is a store called "Build a Bear" because someone asked - what if we???

Every cool, awesome thing you can think of started with what if we???

Always be on the lookout for ideas from other ministries and places - then ask - "What If We Try This?"

Most of the things I have implemented in ministries came from ideas I got from other churches or places.

Ask key leaders and parents in your ministry to answer the question - what if we??? 

Set up a focus group and do this with parents and key volunteer leaders.  I recommend doing this twice a year. 

Once you have your answers to the questions, make your action steps and go for it!!! 

You never know what great things may happen when you ask this one question - "WHAT IF WE?"



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