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What Your Church Spends Money On Speaks Volumes

We've all heard the statement "Put your money where your mouth is."

This is a very relevant statement when it comes to children's ministry funding.

Many churches say they care about reaching the next generation, but you would never know it based on their children's ministry's allocated budget.

Just like any other line item it takes funding to reach the next generation.

What does your children's ministry budget say in these matters?

What your church spends money on shows what matters to your church.

Here are a few reasons why we must make investing in children's ministry a top priority.

  • Most people come to Christ by their 18th birthday.

  • Parents choose a church based on their children's ministry.

  • A thriving children's ministry is a growth engine for a church.

  • We are commanded in Scripture to pass down the faith to the next generation.

Another indicator in this matter is staffing. Ideally, you will have 1 full-time staff person for every 100-125 children. With this in mind, how is your church doing in this area?

I cannot stress how important it is to pour your money into the greatest mission field in the world....children.

Our enemy...the devil...is doing all he can to kill, steal and destroy the next generation. In the last year alone, he has amped up his attacks. We see him at work...aggressively taking his message to the next generation.

It's a message that normalizes and celebrates what God calls sin.

It's a message that marches behind a flag that represents an evil agenda.

It's a message that is planting itself in our schools at an early age without the consent of parents much less church leaders.

It's a message that shakes a fist at God and ignores His clear commandments.

Is your church buying new choir robes while keeping the children's ministry budget very lean?

Is your church funding the resources needed to run an excellent children's ministry?

My prayer is that this will be a wake-up call for many of us. Our opportunity to reach the next generation is slipping away from us. We must make children's ministry a top priority.

What is your church's budget for children's ministry saying?



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